Veritas Student Ministries - grades 6 - 12

Youth Group

Sundays 3:00pm-5:00pm (during the school year months - meeting times may vary over the summer)

  • 3:00-3:30pm Hang Out Time
  • 3:30-4:00pm Game Time
  • 4:00-4:30pm Biblical Teaching
  • 4:30-5:00pm Small Groups

Youth Group meets on Sundays in Fellowship Hall (Near the main office entrance of GCC) for fun games, challenging Bible Lessons and Small Groups. Come and bring your Friends! This is a great time to get connected and to introduce your friends to a place where they can hear about Jesus and meet other authentic Christians that are also learning how to be followers of Christ. Join us any time, every teen is welcome.  We look forward to seeing you soon!

Sunday School (Weekly, except for the first Sunday of every month)

Time: Sundays 10:45am-12:00PM

This semester we will be kicking off a youth Sunday school that will meet during the 10:45am worship service (excluding the first Sunday of the month when we will all attend the worship service together). During Sunday School, students will be given the opportunity to dive into the Bible together and ask questions about how to study the Bible and how to apply Scripture to our lives today. The three main goals of Sunday School are: 1) Learning how to Learn (equipping students with skills for studying the Bible), 2) Learning how to Live (understanding how to apply the teachings of the Bible to our lives today), and 3) Learning in Community (growing in fellowship with others and recognizing that the Christian life is meant to be lived out in our relationships with other people). Breakfast is provided at the beginning of class! All teens are welcome and we hope to see you there!  


General Permission Slip & Rock Wall Waiver is HERE

Sign up for text reminders HERE

Upcoming Events

  • Grade Promotion Ice Cream Social

    Sunday, August 18th 3-5pm

    6th-12th grade students and their parents are invited to join us for an ice cream social celebrating Grade Promotion Sunday where all students officially bump up to their new grade for the school year. This will be a time of fellowship and fun, but it will also be a time for Parents and Students to hear about some new things coming up for our student ministries in this new school year! We hope to see you there! Let us know you're attending by registering here!

  • End of Summer Bonfire

    Sunday, August 25th 7:30-9pm

    Come join us for s'mores, lawn games, and fellowship time to celebrate the end of summer and the start of a new school year! Contact Pastor Stacie directly for the address