for families with children 0 - 5th grade
Events vary on ages included. Please check each event for requirements.
GCC Family Ministry
for families with children 0 - 5th grade
Events vary on ages included. Please check each event for requirements.
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@ GCC Community Room
The whole GCC church family is invited to join us on Sunday, February 9th for a family-centered Super Bowl party. We'll turn our community room into the ultimate Super Bowl viewing experience, with couches and comfy chairs so you can feel like you're sitting in your own home while you get to hang out with your church family. We'll also have games (and prizes) available throughout the evening and the gym will be open for kids to play.
This event is free but we are asking that you sign up to bring food to share. This year's theme is "soup-er bowl," so we are asking that you either sign up to bring a soup of some kind or something to dip/top the soups (i.e. breadsticks, crackers, sourcream, cheese, etc.). You can indicate what type of soup or topping you plan on bringing during the registration process. Beverages and desserts will be provided . Please register to attend
More information coming nearer the time!