Our Church History

The Church of Christ at Gurnee, now known as Gurnee Community Church, was founded February 11, 1860 with 12 charter members. Early worship services were held in the District 1 Schoolhouse along the banks of the Des Plaines River in the town of Wentworth, now Gurnee, IL. This was the first church in Warren Township, and for 93 years to come, the only one.

The first Meeting House began as a simple one-room building in 1879, constructed at a cost of $1200 for materials and all labor provided by the leader of the congregation and members and friends of the church. Services were first held there in 1880. At this time many who led the flock were not ordained ministers though some were students in seminary. Not until 1900 did the term "Pastor" enter the records. Baptism by immersion was a requirement of the Disciples of Christ denomination with which the church was affiliated at that time. Baptisms were performed in the Des Plaines river, even during the winter when they would need to first break the ice.

In 1920 there were 40 families who were members of the church (out of 247 families in Warren Township). Average Sunday attendance was around 70.

In 1919 the congregation left the Disciples of Christ denomination to become a community church.

In 1923 that same church building was moved by teams of horses about one half mile and placed in the current church location on Old Grand Avenue. Additional building created a total of 9 rooms.

Facility enhancements continued and in 1961 the original structure was razed and worship was held in the new Fellowship Hall. By now the congregation numbered over 400 families attending 2 services.

Another Sanctuary and Community Room were dedicated in 1976, which today function as a gym and meeting room.

In the early 2000s the construction of the current Sanctuary began. The large facility was dedicated in 2002. An unfinished portion of the building is a gift to the next generation of believers that will call Gurnee Community Church home.